Wendell Webber


Wendell Webber



Growing up in New England, I was active in the outdoors — skiing, hiking, rock climbing, and camping. After pursuing my career as a photographer in NYC for 18 years, my fitness fell to the side for many years. It wasn’t until turning 40 and having children that I realized I needed to set a good example for my daughters, introduce them to the outdoors and reintroduce myself to the gym.

In the next few years, I started running and soon completed my first marathon in Death Valley. Soon after, I discovered Crossfit and eventually started coaching receiving my Crossfit Level 1, Crossfit Endurance, and Olympic Lifting certifications. After training and completing multiple marathons and ultramarathons including the Vermont 100, I started coaching long-distance athletes. During these years, I tested my endurance with multiple GORUCK events and OCR races culminating in qualifying and competing in the 2016 OCR World Championships.

As an athlete and a busy parent, I can assure you I’ve experienced my share of setbacks, injuries, and disappointments. Anytime I can share my experience and help someone negotiate their challenges I am a very happy coach. In addition to coaching, I am an Emergency Medical Technician for Essex EMS and a volunteer firefighter.

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